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This tool helps you convert pixels to and from DPs (density independent pixels). Enter a value and unit to calculate the dimensions for the various DPI bins (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and xxxhdpi). Enter either a DP (density independent pixel) value or a PX (pixel) value below.

Character Counter

Character Count Online is an online tool that lets you easily calculate and count the number of characters, words, sentences and paragraphs in your text.

QR Code Generator

Create custom QR Codes with Logo, Color and Design for free. This QR Code Maker offers free vector formats for best print quality.

URL Decoder/Encoder

Free & Easy online tool to URL Encode and URL Decode.


This free color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX).


This free color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGBA colors. color with transparency.